Name Last Update
HPE Loading commit data...
Tensor/V1.0.0 Loading commit data...
schema/V1.0.0 Loading commit data... Loading commit data... Loading commit data...

XID specification repository

This is a public repo containing published XID (Xtensible Interface Definition) specifications. Files on the master branch are published specs.

Naming conventions

Besides XID specs written in XML, there is a new concept of Concrete Interface Definitions (CID). These are complete specifications (no imports) that will have their own schema. XID and CID files can be written in XML, JSON, or XMF (if you are really the hardcore type person), XID CG should be able to input or output in these formats. Given that, the filename convention will be :


Specifications stored in the published repo may have a packaging structure that is independent of namespace (not really recommended though), thus path reference to a definition would be :


XSD Schemas for the XID/CID should be stored separately and versioned consistently with the pattern :



Update access to the master branch will be limited. Updates and new XID specs must be added on branches and merged to master via pull requests. Updates to existing XID specification (other than typo and documentation updates), will require updating the version directory.