IlpSubmissionApi.xid.xml 3.12 KB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<specification xmlns=""
    <title>ILP Submission API</title>
        This document defines a lightweight Observation Submission API for submitting ILP compatible observation
        data without invoking the full get position operation.   

  <import ref="" local="ApiBase.xid.xml" />
  <import ref="" local="HpeCore.xid.xml" />

  <namespace name="ILP">
        <using namespace="HPE"/>
        <using namespace="Tensor"/>

        <!-- SubmitInput structure definition.
             Note: all the tags are defined.  These have to
				match CalculateInput tags of the same name.
        <struct name="PositionInfo" type="InputBase" >
            <comment>Used as ILP.Submission.PositionInfo input.</comment>

            <elem name="state" multiplicity="0..1" type="StateInfo" ord="90">
                    Optional position information.\n
                    At  least one of observations or state is required,
                    otherwise there is insufficient data to process.

            <elem name="encObs" multiplicity="0..1" type="EncodingFormat" default="0" ord="88">
                    Observation set encoding format. Observations may be passed to the service in
                    an encoding format different than that outer wire format.

            <elem name="observations" multiplicity="0..1" type="ObservationSet" encoding ="encObs" ord="89">
                    Optional Set of observation data encoded in the format specified by encObs.\n
                    At  least one of observations or state is required,
                    otherwise there is insufficient data to process.
        Observation Submission API
        <interface name="Submission">
            <comment>Interface for submitting data to ILP. </comment>

            <operation name="PositionInfo">
                    Interaction submits position and observation data.\n
					There is no response besides bearer response codes.
                <input name="Input" type="PositionInfo" sid="0x101E"/>