HpeUsage.xid.xml 5.3 KB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<specification xmlns="https://xid.location.studio/schema/V1.0.0/XtensibleInterfaceDefinition.xsd"
               xsi:schemaLocation="https://xid.location.studio/schema/V1.0.0/XtensibleInterfaceDefinition.xsd https://xid.location.studio/schema/V1.0.0/XtensibleInterfaceDefinition.xsd"
    <title>HPE Usage Messages</title>
    <comment>This file the usage messages produced by the HPE.</comment>

    <import ref="https://xid.location.studio/Tensor/V1.0.0/Definitions.xid.xml" local="Definitions.xid.xml" />
    <import ref="https://xid.location.studio/HPE/V1.2/HpeCore.xid.xml" local="HpeCore.xid.xml" />
    <import ref="https://xid.location.studio/Tensor/V1.0.0/Logging.xid.xml" local="Logging.xid.xml" />
    <namespace name="HPE">
        <using namespace="Tensor"/>
      <using namespace="Logging"/>

      <!--Initialization Report Msg-->
      <struct name="InitializationReport" type="Logging.UsageMsg" rttkey='"tpf://hpe/initrpt"'>
          Message captures HPE initialization data.

        <elem name="state" type="StateInfo" multiplicity="1">
            State information.

      <!--Observation Report Msg-->
      <struct name="ObservationReport" type="Logging.UsageMsg" rttkey='"tpf://hpe/obsrpt"'>
          Message captures HPE observation data for playback purposes and debugging.  

        <elem name="observations" type="ObservationSet" multiplicity="1">
            Observation Data provided by the caller.

        <elem name="refdata" type="ReferenceDataSet" multiplicity="0..1">
            Contains reference data provided by the caller. 

        <elem name="directive" multiplicity="0..*" type="Tensor.NameValue">
            A set of directives to influence processing. Unknown directives are ignored.

      <!--TaskReport Msg-->
      <struct name="TaskReport"  type="Logging.UsageMsg" rttkey='"tpf://hpe/taskrpt"'>
          Message reports processing task result data.  Tasks are any computational elem
          within the HPE including calculators, converters, estimators.
        <elem name="taskid" type="string" multiplicity="1"> 
            The unique tasks identifier. A source may have multiple tasks, this field assigns
 	    an identifier that uniquely characterizes what the task was that was accomplished.
        <elem name="start" type="datetime" multiplicity="1"> 
            The start time at which the processor is used.
        <elem name="duration" type="uint16" multiplicity="1">
          <tag name="unit" value="msec"/>
            The duration of the processing in msec.  This is not meant to be a high
            resolution duration monitoring, implement a metric counter for precise timing data.
        <elem name="status" type="ProcessingStatus" multiplicity="1">
          <comment>The result of the processor use, typically success or failure.</comment>

      <!--Position Report Msg-->
      <struct name="PositionReport" type="Logging.UsageMsg" rttkey='"tpf://hpe/posrpt"'>
          Usage message reports position information produced by HPE.
        <elem name="position" type="HPE.Spheroid" multiplicity="1">
          <comment>The 2D/3D position reported. </comment>
        <elem name="speed" type="int16" multiplicity="1">
          <tag name="unit" value="cm/sec"/>
          <comment>The observed speed.  O if not known.</comment>
        <elem name="heading" type="int16" multiplicity="1">
          <tag name="unit" value="degrees"/>
          <comment>Observed heading relative true north (azimuth).</comment>
        <elem name="veracity" type="byte" multiplicity="1">
            Veracity defines the validity of the measurement in the range between 0 and 100.
            A high score means the estimate is deemed valid and more reliable than a lower score.
            If no veracity scoring is performed, this will have a value of 255
        <elem name="confidence" type="byte" multiplicity="1">
          <comment>The estimate confidence.  Valid range is 0 to 100</comment>
        <elem name="calctype" type="string" multiplicity="1">
  	        Positioning calculation stereo type specifier (hybrid, cellular, slam, etc.).  If not defined set to "".
        <elem name="obstype" type="ObservationType" multiplicity="1">
          <comment>The last observation type used to create the estimate.</comment>