HpeCore.xid.xml 14.7 KB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<specification xmlns="https://xid.location.studio/schema/V1.0.0/XtensibleInterfaceDefinition.xsd"
               xsi:schemaLocation="https://xid.location.studio/schema/V1.0.0/XtensibleInterfaceDefinition.xsd XtensibleInterfaceDefinition.xsd"
    <title>HPE Core Definitions</title>
    <comment>This file contains the core definitions used by the HPE.</comment>

  <import ref="https://xid.location.studio/Tensor/V1.0.0/Definitions.xid.xml" local="Definitions.xid.xml" />
  <import ref="https://xid.location.studio/Tensor/V1.0.0/Common.xid.xml" local="Common.xid.xml" />
    <import ref="http://xid.location.studio/GeoSpatial/V1.0/Shape.xid.xml" local="Shape.xid.xml" />

  <namespace name="HPE">
    <using namespace="Tensor"/>
    <using namespace="GeoSpatial"/>
         Standard Definitions

        <enum name="ProcessingStatus" type="Tensor.int8" default="undefined">
            <comment>Status resulting from processing the observation data.</comment>
            <literal name="success" value="1"/>
            <literal name="undefined" value="0"/>
            <literal name="did_not_converge" value="-1"/>
            <literal name="not_enough_data" value="-2" />
            <literal name="computation_error" value="-3" />
            <literal name="parsing_error" value="-4" />
            <literal name="not_found" value="-5" />
            <literal name="unknown_error" value="-6" />

        <enum name="DynamicsProfile" type="Tensor.int8" default="undefined">
            <literal name="undefined" value="0"/>
            <literal name="stationary" value="1" />
            <literal name="spacecraft" value="2" />
            <literal name="aircraft" value="3" />
            <literal name="marinecraft" value="4" />
            <literal name="landcraft" value="5" />
            <literal name="bicycle" value="6" />
            <literal name="pedestrian" value="7" />
            <literal name="pedestrian_running" value="8" />
            <literal name="pedestrian_jogging" value="9" />
            <literal name="pedestrian_walking" value="10" />

        <enum name="EstimateRanking" type="Tensor.int8" default="calcorder">
            <literal name="undefined" value="0"/>
            <literal name="accuracy" value="1" />
            <literal name="veracity" value="2" />
            <literal name="calcorder" value="3" />

         Observation Datatypes
        <enum name="ObservationType" type="Tensor.int8" default="undefined">
            <literal name="undefined" value="0"/>
            <literal name="SHAPE" value="1"/>
            <literal name="MSISDN" value="6"/>
            <literal name="CELLID" value="7"/>
            <literal name="GSM_TA" value="8"/>
            <literal name="GSM_NMR" value="9"/>
            <literal name="RTT_3G" value="10"/>
            <literal name="MR_3G" value="11"/>
            <literal name="LTE_TA" value="12"/>
            <literal name="LTE_RSSI" value="13"/>
            <literal name="WIFI_RSS" value="14"/>
            <literal name="WIFI_RNG" value="15"/>
            <literal name="BLE_RSS" value="16"/>
            <literal name="CELLULAR_GENERIC" value="17">
                <comment>Observation type specifies a common cellular observation in generic units.</comment>

            <literal name="GPS_CODEPHASE_8" value="18">
                <comment>Eight standard GPS Code phase measurements (81 bytes).</comment>

            <literal name="GPS_CODEPHASE_MIN6" value="19">
                <comment>Eight minimum size GPS Code phase measurements (51 bytes).</comment>
            <literal name="GPS_CODEPHASE_MIN8" value="20">
                <comment>Eight minimum size GPS Code phase measurements (65 bytes).</comment>
            <literal name="GNSS_PSEUDORANGE" value="21">
                <comment>GNSS Pseudorange measurements.</comment>
            <literal name="WIFI_RSS_EXT" value="22"/>


        <array name="ObservationTypeArray" type="ObservationType"/>

        <array name="StateVector"      type="float64"        size="8" >
                Defines the HPE standard state column vector, which is comprised of the following elements in cartesian coordinates:
                X,Y,Z, Xdot, Ydot, Zdot, clk, clkrate.

                Unless using a different coordinate reference frame, these values are typically in WGS-84 ECEF reference frame, where the
                units are meters, meters per second.  Clock terms (clk and clkrate) are also expressed in meters and meters per second,
                to provide similar scalaing to physical units.  To get to seconds and seconds per second device by the speed of light.

        <array name="CovarianceMatrix" type="Tensor.float64" size="64"  >
                Defines a 8x8 Covariance matrix for the HPE standard state vector.  This provides a linearized correlation
                matrix for the estimated state vector.   This is the high-fidelity format for providing Gaussian error information
                passed between calculation processes.al units.  To get to seconds and seconds per second device by the speed of light.

        <struct name="Observation" pack="true">
            <comment>Bass type for all observation data</comment>
            <elem name="type" type="ObservationType" multiplicity="1" rttd="true">
                <comment>Identifies what type of observation this is.</comment>

        <struct name="ObservationEpoch" type="Observation" pack="true">
            <comment>Bass type for time based observation data</comment>
            <elem name="epoch" type="datetime" multiplicity="1">
                	Date the observation was attained. For GPS observatios (GPS_CODEPHASE_8, GPS_CODEPHASE_MIN6, GPS_CODEPHASE_MIN8, GNSS_PSEUDORANGE),
                	the epoch time has to have at least millisecond resolution. Fraction of a second epoch error can cause hundreds of meters of error
                	in position.

        <struct name="ObservationSet">
            <comment>A set of observations for a single device covering multiple epochs.</comment>
            <elem name="observations" type="Observation" multiplicity="0..*"  polymorphic="true"/>

        <!-- ShapeObservation -->
        <!-- Disable for now
         <struct name="ShapeObservation" type="Observation" pack="true" rttkey="HPE.ObservationType.SHAPE">
         <comment>Observation is comprised of a shape.</comment>
         <elem name="shape" type="Shape" multiplicity="1" polymorphic="true">
         The shape can be any one of the supported shape types inheriting from the Shape base type.

         Reference Datatypes
        <enum name="RefDataFormat" type="Tensor.int8" default="undefined">
            <comment>Specifies the format of the Reference data.</comment>
            <literal name="undefined" value="0"/>
            <literal name="GPS_EPHEMERIS" value="1"/>
            <literal name="GPS_ALMANAC" value="2"/>
            <literal name="GLONASS_EPHEMERIS" value="3"/>
            <literal name="GALILEO_EPHEMERIS" value="4"/>
            <literal name="CELLULAR" value="5"/>
            <literal name="WIFI_AP" value="6"/>

        <array name="RefDataFormatArray" type="RefDataFormat"/>

        <struct name="ReferenceData" pack="true">
            <comment>Bass structure for all reference data types.</comment>
            <elem name="format" type="RefDataFormat" multiplicity="1" rttd="true">
                <comment>Identifies the format/type of the reference data.</comment>

        <struct name="ReferenceDataSet">
            <comment>A set of reference data.</comment>
            <elem name ="id" type="UUID" multiplicity="1" />
            <elem name="records" type="ReferenceData" multiplicity="1..*"  polymorphic="true"/>

         * StateInfo Type Definition

      <enum name="StateSource" type="Tensor.uint8" default="undefined">
        <comment>Source enumeration defines the source of the state information.</comment>
        <literal name="undefined" value="0">
          <comment>Source is not defined or is unknown.</comment>
        <literal name="gnss" value="1">
          <comment>Source is GNSS.</comment>
        <literal name="cellular" value="2">
          <comment>Source is cellular network location.</comment>
        <literal name="wifi" value="3">
          <comment>Source is WiFi location.</comment>
        <literal name="bluetooth" value="4">
          <comment>Source is bluetooth or bluetooth beaconning.</comment>
        <literal name="rtls" value="5">
          <comment>Source is real-time locating sytem (RTLS).</comment>
        <literal name="inertial" value="6">
          <comment>Source is inertial or sensor fusion.</comment>
        <literal name="hybrid" value="7">
          <comment>Source is hybrid comprised of multiple datatypes (not sensor fusion).</comment>
        <literal name="previous" value="8">
          <comment>Previous state calculated by the ILP/HPE engine.</comment>


      <struct name="StateInfo">
            <comment>StateInfo provides a positional definition.</comment>
                Used in initializaton and position submission type interfaces.
            <elem name="epoch" type="datetime" multiplicity="1" />

            <elem name="confidence" type="float32" multiplicity="1">
                <comment>Confidence of position shape.  Valid range is 0.0 to 1.0</comment>

            <elem name="shape" multiplicity="1" type="Shape" polymorphic="true" >
                    Position.  Polymorphic type, see specializations
                    from Shape for details.

            <elem name="speed" type="float32" multiplicity="0..1">
                <tag name="unit" value="meters/sec"/>
                <comment>speed of device in meters/sec</comment>

            <elem name="azimuth" type="float32" multiplicity="0..1">
                <tag name="unit" value="degrees"/>
                <comment>Azimuth heading of the device in degrees (true North)</comment>

            <elem name="source" type="StateSource" multiplicity="0..1" default="0">
              <comment>Source field defines the source of the state information.  If not specified, value is undefined.  Defining the source of the state information
              assists the calculation processing by characterizing the nature of the position data relative to associated observations.

         Estimate Results

        <array name="StringIdentifier" type="int8" size="16">
            <comment>String identifier defines a short fixed string identifier.</comment>

        <struct name="Estimate">
                Estimate is the result provided by positioning calculators at the completion
                of a calculation.

            <elem name="result" type="ProcessingStatus" multiplicity="1">
                    The result of the data processing used to produce the estimate.
                    If not success, ignore the remainder of the estimate information.

            <elem name="source" type="string" multiplicity="1">
                <comment>Estimate source identifier.  If not defined set to "".</comment>
            <elem name="obstype" type="ObservationType" multiplicity="1">
                <comment>The last observation type used to create the estimate.</comment>
            <elem name="tic" type="uint32">
                <comment>Tic count of the estimate.  Set to zero if not known.</comment>
            <elem name="epoch" type="datetime" multiplicity="1">
                <comment>Epoch defines the point in time for which the estimate applies.</comment>
            <elem name="veracity" type="float32" multiplicity="1" default="-1">
                    Veracity defines the validity of the measurement in the range between 0 and 1.
                    A high score means the estimate is deemed valid and more reliable than a lower score.
                    If no veracity scoring is performed, this will have a value of -1.
            <elem name="confidence" type="float32" multiplicity="1">
                <comment>The estimate confidence.  Valid range is 0.0 to 1.0</comment>
            <elem name="shape" type="Shape" multiplicity="1" polymorphic="true">
                    The estimate shape result.  The particular shape is determined by the
                    preferred shapes specified in the BeginCalculation.
        <!-- eventually may be able to support variable sized elements
         <array name="EstimateArray" type="Estimate">
         HPE Estimates are reported in an array providing the requested formats.