c30886f5 by Mike Mathews

Updated documentation on encoding. Added optional field constellationXmf field …

…in GnssDataOutput.  This is to fix the encoding issue ILP-220.
1 parent 90fdd590
......@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@
<elem name="encoding" multiplicity="0..1" type="EncodingFormat" default="0">
ConstellationData encoding format for the response. This field is carried into
GnssDataOutput.encoding and GnssDataOutput.conData will be encoded
in this format. If not specified the "native" format of the protocol is used.
ConstellationData encoding format for the response. The default encoding is natural, which will
result in constellation data being returned in the "constellationData" field specified in the GnssDataOutput structure. If the
encoding value is 2 (XMF) or greater than 255 (custom encoding), then the data is returned in the "constellationXmf" field.
......@@ -97,17 +97,24 @@
<elem name="encoding" multiplicity="0..1" type="EncodingFormat" default="0">
Constellation Data encoding format. Data can be provided in a different encoding format
than the native protocol format. This is carried over from input.
If not present, the data is in the native protocol format (e.g. XMF, JSON).
Constellation Data encoding format. If encoding is default (natural), constellation data will be returned to caller in the constellationData field.
If a value of 2(xmf) or greater than 255, constellation data will be returned in the constellation XMF field.
<elem name="constellationData" multiplicity="0..*" type ="HPE.Gnss.ConstellationData" encoding="encoding">
<elem name="constellationData" multiplicity="0..*" type ="HPE.Gnss.ConstellationData" >
The list of ConstellationData encoded in the format specified by encoding.
<elem name="constellationXmf" multiplicity="0..*" type ="xmf" >
XMF formated constellation with the specified encoding format. If encoding is 2 (XMF) or greater than 255, then constellation data will be returned
in as XMF or encoded XMF.
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